"Of of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most".
-Mark Twain-
1 hour
Take an excursion into the altered states of dementia inside and out. Enter the inner world of what a person with dementia experiences and develop a comprehensive insight on behavior.
What will it cover?
What does it cover?
1. How the brain perceives the environment
2. Understanding the perception changes of dementia
3. What is the impact of altered sensory stimuli
4. Memory loss and its influences
5. The effects of dementia on emotional states
6. How to address the mood changes
7. How thoughts are changed
8. Why behavior is erratic
9. How physical incapacity affects wellbeing
10. Suggestions to prevent depression and withdrawal
11. How to personally develop a positive perception and create a better relationship and care experience with the individual with dementia.
If you're ready to enroll, click on the button to register and get all details and payment options.
Or Contact Me on WhatsApp
+506 8706 0496
The DEMENTIA LEARNING INSTITUTE book sales and service fees help support the travel expenses of the dementia education in rural areas of Costa Rica. This is a volunteer run initiative.
Please consider gifting to this valuable cause.
“When you change the way you look at something, it changes”.
What is the course like?
The course is a step-by-step examination of the experience the person with dementia is undergoing and how to increase your understanding of their journey.
What will you achieve?
Student increase insight into the thoughts, emotions and actions of what it’s like to experience dementia. You achieve an empathetic understanding, thus developing more tolerance and compassion, while strengthening emotional bonds with your loved one or patient.
Can other members of the family participate?
Family members are welcome to participate together in the online live course or watch the recorded version at their own convenience.
Can the schedule be modified?
Schedule modification for the live class is dependent on inscription of the minimum number of participants.
If you're ready to enroll, click on the button to register and get all details and payment options.
Or Contact Me on WhatsApp
+506 8706 0496