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Dementia Learning Institute

Empowering Lives

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About Katya De Luisa

Katya De Luisa is an advocate and dementia educator residing in Costa Rica, where she is the coordinator/director of the Dementia Education for Rural Costa Rica project.
She is an author and freelance writer focusing on dementia education, healthy aging, and personal self-development.

Her book, Journey Through The Infinite Mind, centers on the science & spirituality of dementia and is published in two languages.

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals experiencing dementia, their families, and caregivers.

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Radio Lámpara Vintage


Helping those experiencing dementia to dispel the fear and embarrassment associated with their condition and provide practical tools to navigate the challenges.


To offer comprehensive programs that focus on the holistic principles of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit to improve the quality of life for both those experiencing dementia and caregivers

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Community Service

The DEMENTIA LEARNING INSTITUTE book sales and service fees help support the travel expenses of the dementia education in rural areas of Costa Rica.

This is a volunteer run social service initiative.

Please consider gifting to this valuable cause.


Thank you for the staff training of communication with dementia patients at our St. James, Veteran’s Home. I witnessed a resident who was normally unresponsive become engaged and another suffering from depression begin to participate in conversations.


Marlene Benne


St. James, Missouri, Veterans Home

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Copyright Dementia Learning Institute 2022

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